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Vizslamentés UK Rescue Trust Vizslamentes UK Trust Logo

About Us

Vizslamentés UK Rescue Trust is a UK based Rescue Trust supporting the only specialist HPR breed rescue in Hungary – our sister organisation Vizslamentés Hungary, Vizslamentés Magyarország Charity.

The majority of dogs that come to our care are in Hungary; we have seen everything from direct cruelty cases, to elderly dogs that have become too costly to keep, to litters of unwanted puppies, abandonments and confiscations – no dog is turned away and everything possible is done to help every dog.

We have a highly respected reputation in Hungary for our rescue work and the shelters and animal police approach us when they have a pointer in their care. A percentage of dogs that come in to our care are deemed suitable for rehoming in the UK, those with the personalities and health to cope with the journey, the change and the pet homes that are offered – around a quarter to a third of all the dogs rescued come to UK homes, the rest are adopted in Hungary. We don’t re-home anywhere else in the world, mostly due to lack of resource elsewhere.

The dogs that come in to our care in Hungary are vet treated, fostered in homes and rehabilitated and assessed as to what kind of forever home they need. Some are assessed as suitable to be re-homed in the UK and this is where the Vizslamentés UK plays its part. The UK arm of Vizslamentés is a team of dedicated representatives working directly with our colleagues in Hungary to find perfect & committed homes for the dogs.

Adoption Process Documentation

Application Form